October 23, 2013
Industrial Designers
Do you ever think about the designer that created the tool to peel the carrots in a photo like this? Pictures like these appear with recipes, in magazines and on countless other sites, yet we take them for granted. The tools we use to make a beautiful picture go un-thanked and don’t even register as a thought in our brains. Some people, including Carter, design these tools. Next time you pull out your trusty grater or vegetable peeler, think about the person behind the product. What you’re holding started out as a sketch by someone who wanted to make the best possible product for you.

This entry was posted in News and tagged alabama, brandi mcguyer, carrot, carter and co, carter industries, carter mcguyer, cartermdesign, CMDG, grater, industrial design, kitchen, muscle shoals, pinterest, shoals, soup, tuscumbia, utensils, vegetable peeler, zester. Bookmark the permalink.
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